Sharepoint 2007 Architecture:
Deploying a master page as a solution in moss 2007
- First create .wsp file using Visual stutdio.
- Copy .wsp file in "C" Directory.
- Create Batch file for this code
(open notepad copy the below code save as .bat)
set PATH=%PATH%;"C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\12\BIN"
stsadm -o retractsolution -name filename.wsp -immediate -allcontentURLs
stsadm -o execadmsvcjobs
stsadm -o deletesolution -name filename.wsp -override
stsadm -o addsolution -filename "C:\filename.wsp"
stsadm -o deploysolution -name filename.wsp -immediate -allcontentURLs -allowgacdeployment
stsadm -o execadmsvcjobs
(Othewise put this code in 12 hive folder path.)
The solution deployed in the Central admin.
Images Slide show in share point 2007
1.Create a Image Library called "Images".2.Upload the necessary images.
3.Adding the "Images" library as List View Web Part to the Page.
4. Adding a Content Editor Web Part and opening it in the Source Editor mode.
Paste the following code:
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> var Imtech = {} || Imtech; Imtech.Slideshow = function() { this.images = null; this.current = -1; this.wrapper = null; this.duration = 6000; this.delay = 3000; this.init = function() { this.images = loadImages(); this.wrapper.css("display", "none"); this.wrapper = $("div.slideshow", this.wrapper.parent(":first").append('<div class="slideshow"></div>')); this.wrapper.html('<img src="' + this.images[++this.current] + '"/>'); this.intervalObj = window.setInterval(this.showImage, this.duration + this.delay); } this.showImage = function() { if (++slideshow.current >= slideshow.images.length) { slideshow.current = 0; } slideshow.wrapper.fadeOut(slideshow.delay, function() { slideshow.wrapper.html('<img src="' + slideshow.images[slideshow.current] + '"/>'); slideshow.wrapper.fadeIn(slideshow.delay); }); } var loadImages = function() { var images = $(" a"); var imagesList = new Array(images.length); var i = -1; images.each(function() { imagesList[++i] = this.href.replace('about:', ''); }); return imagesList; } }; var slideshow; $().ready(function() { slideshow = new Imtech.Slideshow(); slideshow.wrapper = $(" a").parents("div[id^=WebPart]"); slideshow.init(); }); </script>